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I think I have a bladder infection, what can I do?


With cystitis you can have one or more of these complaints:

- pain when urinating

- urinate small amounts more often

- pain in the back or bottom of the abdomen


Call and bring your pee (urine) to the practice for examination. Keep in mind that it should preferably be the first urine of the morning. If you cannot deliver it immediately, you must store the urine in the refrigerator.


Women who are not pregnant, do not have diabetes or kidney or bladder disease:

  • Wait 1 week to see if the symptoms resolve themselves. If you have no kidney or stomach problems, an adult can use ibuprofen 400mg 3 times a day for pain.

  • or taking antibiotics


Antibiotics are always needed in men, pregnancy, diabetes or any disease of your kidneys or bladder. Drink a lot (for example, water, tea, milk). Or use cranberries. Call your doctor or GP post the same day if you have a fever or severe flank pain with serious illness.



I would like a medical certificate, how does this work?


The KNMG (Royal Dutch Society for the Advancement of Medicine) regulations do not allow GPs to issue medical certificates for their own patients. This position is supported by the disciplinary judge.


Examples are: is someone able to work? Driving a car? Going to school? Take good care of the children? Has a booked trip been rightly canceled or is someone entitled to a parking permit or adapted accommodation?


The attending physician is often not aware of the medical criteria against which the body (municipality, school, insurer, etc.) that needs the certificate assesses. The person who requires the statement from you must appoint an independent doctor who will complete the statement for / with you. With the patient's specific permission, this independent physician can, if necessary. request additional information from your own GP. In this way it is prevented that the own GP has to give a value judgment about the patient and his health status. This prevents the relationship of trust between the patient and the GP from being damaged. After all, this relationship can be affected if the opinion of the own doctor is not favorable for her patient.


If your school or employer asks you to do so, you can provide him or her with a printout of the statement below:


KNMG_refusal slip Online



I need a doctor for a (driving license) examination, where can I find it?


The general practitioners at Huisarts@Holtenbroek do not carry out driving license inspections. You must contact an independent body for this.


A doctor is regularly present in the Holtenbroek Neighborhood Center (Bachlaan 20) for driver's licenses. You must call in advance for an appointment 038-4224933. The costs are approximately € 30 (2017)




CMK (Center for Medical Examinations)
Bagijn meadow 17
tel: 038-7113251



How do I prepare a living will or an euthanasia declaration?


In a living will you write down on paper which medical treatments you want or don't want. For example, no CPR for cardiac arrest. You can also write in the statement that you want euthanasia in unbearable suffering. It doesn't matter if you type or write down your wishes by hand.


Recording wishes in living will

There are different types of advance directives. In principle, doctors must follow a living will in which treatment is refused. This also applies to a non-CPR statement. A doctor does not have to follow up on a living will in which something is requested (such as euthanasia).


At Huisarts@Holtenbroek only drs. Rijkers-Koorn carries out euthanasia requests. Always discuss your wishes in time!


Treatment prohibition

With a treatment ban, you write down the circumstances under which you do not want medical treatment. For example, if you are in a coma or if you are no longer approachable due to an illness.


Non-CPR Statement

CPR is chest compressions by pressing on your chest and ventilating. Resuscitation is also possible with an automatic external defibrillator (AED). In a non-CPR statement, state that you do not want CPR for cardiac arrest. You can also wear a metal medal with this on it. A physician or counselor should always follow a non-CPR statement. You can request a non-resuscitation medal from the Patient Federation of the Netherlands .


Written euthanasia request

In a written euthanasia request, describe when you would like a doctor to perform euthanasia on you. That is when you think there is unbearable and hopeless suffering. Ultimately, your doctor decides whether your situation meets the 6 due care requirements of the euthanasia law and whether he can and wants to carry out the euthanasia. Even if you have a written euthanasia request. It is therefore not the case that euthanasia is always carried out with a written euthanasia request or that this gives a right to euthanasia. You can find tips for drawing up your statement in the brochure Euthanasia Request written guide . Read more about euthanasia and the law .


Designate representative

You can also write down your representative in your living will. The representative may speak to your doctor and make medical decisions if you are no longer able to do this. This does not apply to euthanasia: this is really only allowed at the request of the patient.


Medical scientific research

You can determine in advance whether or not to participate in scientific research. This way your partner or family can take this into account.


Contents of living will

There are no hard and fast rules on how to write down your wishes in a living will. Make sure you write down what you want, so that there is no doubt with the doctor. Always state your surname and first names in full in the statement. You must also add the date and signature at the end of the document.


More information doctor

Central government




I would like to inspect my medical file


Because we regularly receive questions about requesting the medical file, you can read our general guidelines here.


As a patient you have the right to view your medical file or to request a copy of it. This also applies to the written information in the file obtained from other (treating) doctors. However, it does not apply if the information in the file is about other persons and violates the privacy of others. The doctor's personal work notes are not part of the medical file and therefore fall outside the patient's right of inspection. If you would like to know more about this, please consult the website of the medical federation KNMG: KNMG Inspection of medical file .


After death

Surviving relatives are not entitled to view the file of a deceased family member (you may only view your own file). However, you can be left with questions after death and would like to sort things out. Then you can contact the doctor. Discuss your questions with him or her. A conversation in which considerations are explained often yields more than access to the file.


Make an appointment for inspection of the file

If you want to view your file, it is best to make an appointment during the consultation hour. You can view your file and your doctor can immediately answer your questions and / or explain matters.


If you want to request a copy or copies of your medical file, we use the following procedure:

You can submit your request to the assistant. For this you need to fill in your details on the sample letters form NPCF . You can return this form or hand it in to the assistant.



Requesting copies of the medical file entails costs: € 10 per request.



When the copies have been made you will receive a telephone or written confirmation as soon as possible. This confirmation will indicate how and when you can collect the statements.


How long does it take?

There is a minimum period of 1 week between your application and the provision of your data.



When you collect the copies, you must identify yourself with a valid ID: a passport, ID card or driver's license.


For more information about 'Access to your file', you can order the relevant brochure or download it from NCPF .



What are the costs in general practice care?


Consult your GP, Doctor's assistant 2019


Consult 5 min € 4.98

Consultations, 10-15 min € 9.97

Consult> 20 min € 19.94

- Stock Photo

Visit € 14.95

Visits ≥ 20 min € 24.92


Telephone / email consultation dep. v. expensive

Lab research cost price

X-ray examination cost price

Cervical cancer smear € 13.26

Provision of information in writing € 49.69


You need to cancel an appointment at least 24 hours in advance, otherwise we are forced to charge € 10. You cannot claim these costs from the health insurer.


In 2012 there were many changes to the reimbursements from your health insurance. We would like to point out that certain matters are not always covered (anymore) by your health insurer, such as:


  • Follow-up examinations (blood test, X-ray examination, ultrasound, pathological examination), these costs will first be at your own risk.

  • drug prescriptions

  • references


Please read your policy carefully and if in doubt, contact your insurance so that you will not be faced with any financial surprises. Many medicines (but not all) are reimbursed, but only after you exceed your deductible in terms of costs.


Costs for the Huisartsenpost (Nov 2017)


Consult € 114.78

Visit € 172.17

Telephone consultation € 25.00


You will receive an invoice when:

  • you are not registered with one of the general practitioners who participate in the Huisartsenpost. You must pay the bill immediately in cash (an ATM is available).

  • your health insurer is not affiliated with Vecozo. You can see on Vecozo (under the heading 'Overview of care passes') whether your health insurer is affiliated with Vecozo.

  • your insurance details are incorrect or not known to us. In this case, you can return the invoice to us with the correct information.

©2020 by Huisarts@Holtenbroek. Proudly created by N.L. Rijkers-Koorn

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